31 March, 2012

My Startup Delayer v0.6 - 82 KB

Improve the loading time of Windows by delaying the startup of programs! Every time you start Windows a lot of programs starts automatically making Windows really unresponsive for minutes. This is noticeable especially on slow PC (like netbooks / nettop with Atom CPU / old pc). With My Startup Delayer you can choose wich processes delay (or disable) at startup! Also you can decide after how many seconds you want to start them and the delay between each execution! You can also add your favorite programs to be executed automatically (useful at work! ... every day you open the same programs? :D) What is the difference between using our software insted of the Windows "Startup" menu? Well.. Windows launch ALL the software simultaneously making it really slow and unresponsive. My Startup Delayer launch them one by one (you can set the seconds to wait after each execution). Requirements: Windows XP / Vista / 7 (32 & 64 bit) - .NET Framework 2.0